Category: Education

Since ancient times, a medium of exchange was used for trading. People used to exchange their goods or services for the money and later on they used the money to purchase goods and services. In...
A molecule is defined as the smallest unit of a chemical compound that can be formed by combining two or more atoms. The molecule has a unique shape, which is determined by the number of...
Whenever you go to college, you are required to do an internship or externship. You will be assigned a project that will require you to do some work. You will get a chance to experience...
If you skipped out on Biology classes in high school, you may not know what a gene and a chromosome are. These terms can be confusing to someone who hasn’t studied genetics. They are important...
The subject of the difference between EST and EET is a very important question that many people have. Many of them think that there is no difference at all. But they are wrong because there...
The Rhombus and the Parallelogram are two of the most important shapes in geometry. In geometry, both of these shapes are used to represent a rectangle. They are also used to represent a square. However,...
Fellowship and Residency are two of the most important terms in clinical practice. Fellowship is a program that allows medical students to complete their clinical rotations in hospitals and other health care facilities. Residency is...
The human body is made up of many parts, and each part has a function. For example, the heart is responsible for pumping blood to the rest of the body. The brains responsible for thinking....
In the English language, there are two words that are similar to each other, namely “doctorate” and “PhD”. Both of these words are used interchangeably, but they have different meanings. Doctorate and PhD are two...
The cortical and juxtamedullary nephron are two different types of kidneys. Both kidneys are essential for the body, but there are some differences between the two. For example, the cortical nephron is located in the...