Category: Language

Beber and Tomar are the same word, meaning “to drink”. However, these words have different meanings in Spanish. They differ based on their gender and case. In this article, we will explain the difference between...
There are two words that are similar but they mean different things. One of them is bear. The other one is bare. Both of these words aren’t used in the same way and when you...
Analogy and metaphor are two techniques that people use to explain concepts. Both techniques help us understand what words mean, but they are very different in the way they operate. Analogy is used to describe...
Today’s English has changed since the 1960s. Americans, who are often perceived as being a country of book-learners, may not be aware of the extent to which their language has changed. There are 2 common...
When two similar words are used in a sentence, it’s all about who you prefer to use. This case of comparing the words among and amongst. There are two different meanings for the word “....
In German language the words “akkusativ” and “dativ” are used to describe the same thing. Yet, there are subtle differences between these two terms. When you’re speaking in a sentence consisting of more than one...
The word assume has many meanings and it is used in different ways. However, there are some differences between the two words. We will try to define the difference between assume and presume so that...
It is possible to use alliteration and consonance when you are composing a work piece. The sounds that they make are used to engage the reader’s hearing senses. It is true that the two words...
There are many times when you might hear people say that something is a lot of something. It is easy to understand why this word is so commonly used, but it can cause confusion for...
Absolute and relative are two words that are often confused because they have similar meanings. The main difference between absolute and relative is that absolute refers to something that is definite and unchanging, while relative...