Category: Religion
Taoism and Buddhism are beliefs that are narrowly bound. Both have a focal point on living in peace with the environment and both have a kind of positivistic sight of the universe which grasps that...
Church history records that today there are three major “church clusters”, namely the Orthodox Church, the Roman Catholic Church, and the Protestant Church. In contrast to the Orthodox and Roman Catholic clans which have remained...
Beneficence and Non-maleficence are two moral concepts that play a very important role in moral philosophy. The two concepts are the opposite of each other and they work in a manner to uphold a moral...
Religion has always been a part of human history. It has served a number of purposes for the majority of people throughout history. The purpose for religion has been to fulfill a number of functions...
Most people think of abstinence and celibacy as being the same thing, but they are actually two different things. They are both choices that people can make, but they have different implications. Do you know...
In the New Testament, the term justification refers to the declaration of God that we are in fact his children. This declaration is made through Christ, and as such is not something that we earn...
When we talk about the concept of angels, we think of those winged celestial beings that live in the sky and help us on our path to enlightenment. These are the “messengers” of God who...
Since a long time ago, the two religions of Christianity and Islam are divided by what they consider as their holy book. Christians have accepted the Holy Bible while Muslims consider the Qur’an as their...
Since the age of discovery, people started to write down their views and beliefs. These were the first writings that came into existence. This made them more prominent in the society. There were lots of...
Catholics and Christians are two different religions. Their beliefs, rituals, and practices are quite different from each other. In fact, they even have different names. We will discuss the differences between Catholics and Christians so...