Difference Between Student’s Life With Planning And Without

By: | Updated: Jul-25, 2024
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The grades you get in high school and university have huge consequences because they can influence the direction of your career and the quality of your life. In learning institutions, grading college papers can affect your entire career. If you intend to pursue an undergraduate program, your grades can determine the scholarships that you get and the jobs you land after graduation. Getting good grades and achieving other academic goals is not a walk in the park.

With all these points in mind, we’ve compiled a list of effective tips that will help you achieve your goals as quickly as possible and be proud of yourself.

Difference Between Student's Life With Planning And Without

1.    Employ effective study strategies

Everyone studies and grasps concepts differently. No one study method works for everyone. You need to uncover your strengths and weaknesses to figure out which study methods are ideal for you. For instance, if you are a visual learner, you’ll understand concepts easily by using flashcards, reading research paper essays examples and pictures to study. On the other hand, if you are an aural student, you’ll benefit a lot by listening to recordings, podcasts, and audiobooks.

As you read essays about overcoming challenges, employ effective methods such as the Pomodoro technique to avoid getting anxious or tired by the thought of studying for a long time. This method helps you break your study sessions into a length of 25 minutes and including breaks. During your breaks, you can chat with friends, read free essays examples online have a glass of water, take a walk or have a snack. Regardless of the study method you choose, you should focus on engaging your brain instead of simply going through the motions.

While reading books is an effective way to study, you should consider using test papers in some study sessions to figure out whether you’ve understood what you’ve been reading. The best way to prepare for an exam is by using past papers. Emulating the exam environment and timing yourself will not only help you know what you’ve grasped but also get comfortable with exams.

2.    Set specific goals

As the popular saying goes, you can’t hit a target that you can’t see. You need to sit down and figure out what you want to achieve. Setting specific and realistic goals will motivate you to put in the time and work. For instance, if you want to be first in your class, there are certain things that you’ll have to do to achieve this goal. You’ll need to attend all classes, work on your assignments and submit them on time, read regularly to prepare for your exams, spell for good grades and read teacher comments for students’ writing in case you don’t understand something. When you know what you want to achieve, it’s easy to come up with a clear strategy that will help you realize your goal. Failure to set goals is one of the leading reasons why most students fail.

3.    Manage your time effectively

The next step that will help you achieve your goals as quickly as possible is to manage your time effectively. A great way to do this is to come up with a schedule and stick to it. Research studies show that people waste as much as ten minutes every time they complete a task and think of the next thing that they should do. You can imagine how much time is wasted in a month or year. With a schedule, you can easily avoid wasting time because you’ll know what you are supposed to work on immediately after completing a task. You should also invest in a calendar, planner, and notebook to write down all the activities that you need to do.

Apart from investing in time management tools, you need to know when your mind is most active. For instance, if you are a morning person, you should schedule the most difficult and demanding tasks in the morning. As the day progresses, you can work on tasks that don’t require too much concentration.

4.    Discipline is key

To succeed in college, you have to do a lot of things such as attending all classes, preparing for exams, working on all assignments, and finding a study group to name a few. All these activities demand a lot of time and energy.

Therefore, you should eliminate distractions in your environment to remain focused in the long run. Occasionally, things will come up and you’ll have to put your studies aside or miss a class or two. However, this should not be a trend. Putting your goals aside every time to have fun with your friends or watch a couple of episodes of your favorite TV show will negatively affect your performance. You have to be disciplined in the long run to achieve your goals. As the popular saying goes, nothing good comes easy.

Discipline is like a muscle. You have to train yourself to study even when you don’t feel like it.

5.    Rest

There are a lot of productive people in our world today. And most of them encourage people to work all day and night to achieve their goals. While it might sound like a good idea, human beings are not robots. We need to rest from time to time to recover lost energies and achieve our goals. Research studies have shown that the average adult needs seven to nine hours of sleep every night to function optimally. Sacrificing your sleep can lead to headache, fatigue, irritability, poor concentration, and a weak immune system. To avoid messing up with your sleep, you have to manage your time effectively.

Do not wait for the right time to start working on a project or revising for exams. Start as soon as possible. In the end, you’ll not only get enough sleep but also feel satisfied at the end of a long hard day.


With these tips, you have everything you need to succeed in high school or college. While the process of achieving your goals won’t be easy, it will be worthwhile in the long run. Life is full of ups and downs. When things get hard, don’t give up.

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