One cannot start talking about business of any kind without knowing what a market is and what an industry is. Using these two terms interchangeably in front of people with experience in the field could...
It is common for people to not be too familiar with at least one of these three terms, especially if they are not medical professionals. From a fertilized cell to a fully developed fetus, let...
The terms deer tick and wood tick commonly describe various subgroups of ticks. These terms are often used interchangeably, particularly depending on the location. If these terms are often interchanged, how does one tell them...
Try posting an image of a pig-like animal on social media and asking what animal it is. Although it’s highly likely that you get different responses such as pig, hog, swine or even boar, they...
Both balsamic vinegar and apple cider vinegar are used in Italian cooking and other types of cuisine. You may have wondered if there is any real difference between the two since they are both vinegar. As...
Here’s an interesting fact for beer drinkers: Amsterdam pays their alcoholic street cleaners 10 Euros, tobacco, and 5 cans of beer for a hard day’s work. Before you picture what an awesome Christmas party they...
In the United States, the national government and the governments of the 50 states have power divided between them and use a system of shared control. Let’s look at the difference between the state and national governments...
The flute and the piccolo are both woodwind instruments that are used to create different kinds of music. Many solo and group performances feature these two instruments. While sharing some similarities, a flute and a piccolo differ...
Whiskey is one of the most complex liquors out there. Connoisseurs can detect various flavors and scents in a fine whiskey, such as sugar, smoke, and even hints of spice. In the USA, two varieties...
The internet is teeming with feel-good videos of people going out of their way to help random strangers. There are those who say it is human nature to be motivated by self-interest. They would say...