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Category: Astronomy

Different orbits are now used to place numerous artificial satellites, most common being GEO, MEO, and LEO. The orbit chosen for a satellite depends on its purpose. The specific orbit chosen for a satellite depends...
Many space enthusiasts are probably familiar with the difference between an asteroid and a comet. But many people are still confused about these two terms. In this article, we will discuss the difference between an...
Meteoroids are small objects, mostly smaller than an inch in diameter, which enter the Earth’s atmosphere at high speeds. They burn up completely when they reach the ground or hit the ocean surface. Meteors are...
On a clear night, we can see thousands of stars that dot the dome of the sky. Along with these stars, a few of the lights are actually planets. They are extremely distant from us...
As the earth follows an elliptical path around the sun, its tilted axis causes sunlight to reach the earth’s surface at various angles. This is why the length of days and nights are not the...
Astronomy and astrology share common roots which is why it’s quite common for people to get mixed up with the meanings of these two terms. This article aims to establish the important differences between the...
Not too many people know that the planets in our solar system are classified into two categories: terrestrial planets and jovian planets. This article seeks to explain how the planets are divided into these two...
There are eight planets orbiting around the sun in our Solar System and they are categorized into inner and outer planets. Each category is defined by specific planetary features and characteristics which this article aims...