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Category: History

Liberalism started in the Age of Enlightenment and has produced a healthy number of diverse philosophical branches that seemingly contradict each other on a number of political and economic matters. Let’s find out if neoliberalism...
During the period of 1765 to 1791, the 13 American colonies of Great Britain fought for Independence. The French Revolution was fought between 1789 and 1799. These two revolutions may appear somewhat the same at...
Before Common Era (BCE) and Common Era (CE) are two ways of referring to the calendar year. From BC to AD, there was only one year at a time. This is called the Anno Domini...
In the calendar, you will see 2 different terms between Before Christ (BC) and Anno Domini (AD). Those 2 are actually the same, but there are some differences between those 2. Before Christ is the...
BCE and BC are already known as a term to mention the before Christ Era. Those 2 terms are actually the same thing. But there is a difference between those terms. Here are the discussion...
The world today is divided into two camps, capitalist and communist. The latter is controlled by a Marxist-Leninist government. Communist governments are currently found in almost all of Asia, Eastern Europe, and Cuba. The former...
Do you know those times when you realize you should have paid more attention in school? Like when someone talks about the Truman Doctrine or the Marshall Plan and you don’t know anything about them!...
After the US Civil War, the Black Codes were enacted to restrict the rights and liberties of freed African-Americans slaves in the Southern states. Black Codes and Jim Crow laws were repressive laws meant to...
Athens and Sparta are arguably two of the most popular cities in Greece. It is common for people to confuse one for the other since both these ancient cities have made far-reaching contributions to governance,...
Ask people what they think about a prince or a princess, a king or a queen. Then ask them what they think about a dictator. You will see that most people tend to associate royalty...