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Category: Language

Why do we describe something as being ‘before’ or ‘after’ another event, instead of saying it was ‘firstly’ or ‘finally’? Why is there a difference between before and after all these years? And what does...
Between and among are both prepositions people often use in English. A preposition is used to show place or time. It also indicates how many objects are involved in a relationship or event. Using prepositions...
In English, the preposition is a set of words that can help to identify the relationship between nouns or to define the position of something. buy synthroid online no prescription pharmacy The use of...
Bemused and amused are two words that can be used to describe a person or situation that is “amused” or “delighted”. The confusion arises because the two are used to mean different things, and in...
English is a constructed language. It is not derived from any single source, but is the result of many languages that have been blended together to form a new language. The result is a complicated...
The English-speaking countries have always had an enormous number of dialects. In Germany, the various regions of the country, or even villages within the same region, have their own dialects. In the cities, which are...
The origin of the German language is quite difficult to pinpoint. Some scholars think that it originated in Italy, France, or Belgium. Others believe that it came from Germany, Poland, or Austria. Others still believe...
Hindi-language is a dialect of Indian Languages and is used by over 400 million people. This language has many sub-dialects like Malayalam, Kannada, Bengali, Gujarati, Tamil, etc. Urdu is also an Indian language which is...
The Japanese language has changed greatly over the centuries. One way that Japanese has changed is through the influence of different people and different ideas. The Japanese language is constantly changing, but this change is...
English is a very common language and is used by most of the people in the world. There are various dialects in English and they are known as British English, American English, Australian English, Canadian...