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Category: Business

Have you tried calling a certain company’s hotline and then being connected to someone who is in a different state or country? Although it is interesting to speak with someone from a place different than...
If you work in a company, you surely know what a manager is. But then, you probably have also heard about another important person in the company: the director. Why do most companies need a...
Many people, especially those who do not work in the business or finance industry, believe that “revenue” is synonymous with “net income.” Although the two words have been loosely interchanged for many years, their meanings...
If you have ever applied for or are currently applying for a job, you probably have noticed that some job postings instruct you to submit your resume while others say to prepare your CV. As...
Indicators of a person’s socioeconomic status, the terms “wealth” and “income” bear strong associations. But while they are often used interchangeably, there are significant differences between the two. Summary Table Wealth Income The sum of...
We often hear the terms “balance sheet” and “income statement,” but all we know is that both are financial documents and are used in businesses. Although this is correct, the two are actually different in...
Owning a business is not just about knowing how to market your goods for profit, but also knowing how to manage your finances. This means that, whether you like it or not, you need to...
The titles within a company can be confusing. Especially since many of the basic operations get pompous names. buy suhagra online no prescription pharmacy How can you tell who are the leading positions are...
Would it help you to know the difference between an objective and a goal? After all, don’t most people use these two words interchangeably? In reality, you would be surprised to find out how much...
If you have tried sending a package to someone, you have probably been asked whether you’d like to send it via certified mail or registered mail. What do these terms mean? And how are they...