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Category: Education

As the earth follows an elliptical path around the sun, its tilted axis causes sunlight to reach the earth’s surface at various angles. This is why the length of days and nights are not the...
Astronomy and astrology share common roots which is why it’s quite common for people to get mixed up with the meanings of these two terms. This article aims to establish the important differences between the...
Mineral-rich rocks are formed in many places on the surface of the earth and beneath. These are igneous, metamorphic, and sedimentary rocks, and each one is different from the others. This article lays out the...
Matter is anything that occupies space and has mass. It is anything that can be observed and felt by the senses. Matter exists in four states, two if which are solid and liquid. This article’s...
Anatomy and physiology are similar in some ways as both involve the study of the body structures of living beings. The field of medicine cannot be without these two words, and they often come together...
It’s not surprising to know that there are some who confuse rotation with revolution. Although similar in concept, these terms in the realm of physics are not interchangeable. This article seeks to explain how and...
Values and ethics are arguably two of the most commonly interchanged terms out there. While they are not the same, both are essential to everyday life situations. This article aims to show the differences between...
Ask people what they think about a prince or a princess, a king or a queen. Then ask them what they think about a dictator. You will see that most people tend to associate royalty...
Organic and inorganic compounds were once believed to be attributed to living things and non-living things, respectively. Despite this, both still comprise the basis of the chemistry of all things and are still used to...
Fluid and liquid sound like the same thing, right? As in “drink more fluids when you are sick” and “water is a liquid.” Then, what is the difference between the two and in what context...