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Category: Language

Are you planning a trip to Barcelona and you think the Spanish you learned in high school may be enough to get you by and make you pass as a worldly traveler? Think again! Although...
Regardless of how information is presented, it will be either objective or subjective. Everyone, especially writers and journalists, would benefit from a strong grasp on the difference between the two. This article seeks to show...
These literary devices are similar as both make use of a word or a phrase to represent another. However, there are a few slight differences that make metonymy distinct from synecdoche. To help you better...
Let’s say you work as a flight attendant. One day, you found a bag full of cash and personal belongings, which you selflessly returned to the rightful owner. The owner gave you something in return....
Did you know that even when you are not saying anything, you are still communicating? If you did not know this, this article is for you. Aside from verbal communication, there is also nonverbal communication....
We learned the different kinds of pronouns and their functions in school. However, if you have been out of school for several years, you probably have already forgotten the difference between subject and object pronouns....
The words “where” and “were” are two of the most commonly confused words in the English language. buy amaryl online no prescription pharmacy They not only have almost the same spelling, but many people...
What did the famous J.R.R. Tolkien say? “Not all those who wander are lost.” “Not all those who wonder are lost.” If you know the answer, kudos to you! But if you are unsure (or...
Let us take a look at two sample sentences: I went to Spain. I have gone to Spain. The first sentence is in the simple past form, while the second sentence is in the present...
We often hear the words “accident” and “incident” in the news, but not all of us know the difference between the two words. buy estrace online no prescription pharmacy Are they interchangeable? If not,...