Difference Between AK47 and AR15

By: | Updated: May-17, 2022
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If you’re unfamiliar with guns, the different types of rifles might be a bit confusing. Here’s a brief explanation of the main types of rifles.

Single-shot is the oldest type of rifle. It’s called single-shot because you load one bullet at a time into the barrel, fire it, and then reload the empty shell.

AK47 AR15
Less expensive. More expensive.
More durable under extreme environments. Less durable.
Lower rate of fire (350 rounds per minute). Higher rate of fire (700 rounds per minute).
Can shoot a distance up to 100 meters. Can shoot a distance up to 400 meters.
Lower magazine capacity. Higher magazine capacity.

Difference Between AK47 and AR15

You can use this rifle to hunt deer or other small game that are easy to hit with one shot. It also makes an excellent target rifle, because you can practice your shooting skills without wasting ammunition on other targets.

Repeating (semi-automatic) rifles and shotguns are usually used for hunting small game like squirrels or rabbits that move quickly but can’t run away very far from danger when shot by a single-shot weapon. They’re also useful for protecting property from wild animals that have the ability to run away quickly.

AK47 and AR15 are two popular rifles which are used by many people in the world. These two rifles are both used for the same purpose and it is to kill the enemy in a war. But, there is a difference between AK47 and AR15. Both of these rifles have their own good features but, in some cases, one can be better than the other.

Comparison between AK47 and AR15


AK47 is more expensive than AR15. It costs more than $700 to buy an AK47 whereas you can buy an AR15 for less than $400.


AR15 is less durable than AK47 as it is prone to extreme environments like dust, mud, etc. So, AK47 can survive against strong impacts like dropping on floor or hard surface or fire shot with high temperature like melting or cutting metal etc.

Rate of fire

AR15 has a higher rate of fire than AK47 as it can shoot at a speed of 700 rounds per minute whereas AK47 can shoot at a speed of 350 rounds per minute.

Shooting distance

AR15 can shoot at a distance of up to 400 meters whereas AK47 can shoot at a distance of up to 100 meters.

Magazine capacity

AR15 has higher magazine capacity than AK47 as it has 30 rounds magazine whereas AK47 has only 20 rounds magazine.


AR15 is much bigger than AK47 because it has a larger size in comparison with AK47 and also it is heavier because it is made with more durable materials. So, if you want to carry your rifle in a place where there are less places then you should choose AR15 otherwise, if you want to carry your rifle in a place where there are more places then you should choose AK47.


Both of these rifles are great for the purpose that they are made for. Both of these rifles have their own advantages and disadvantages but, it is up to you to choose the one which suits you better.

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