Difference Between Bison and Buffalo

By: | Updated: Jul-21, 2021
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Whenever you turn on your National Geographic channel, there is a documentary about the big, bad buffalo. Sometimes, you hear the words Bison and Buffalo in the same sentence. People say, “They are the same thing.” It is not true. They are different animals and they have different meanings. Most people do not know the difference between Bison and Buffalo. It is a great confusion because people confuse the two.

However, in the vast buffalo plains of North America, the bison and the buffalo are easily confused. These two animals are different in many ways. The buffalo has short horns, while the bison has longer horns. The Buffalo is a large and dangerous animal that lives in North America. They have huge horns that they use to fight with other animals and even with humans. However, they have not been domesticated like cattle or sheep. In the past, the buffalo was an important part of Native American life.

Summary Table:

Bison Buffalo
Smaller in size Bigger in size
Usually brownish-gray in color Usually black
Lives for about 12 years Lives for about 20 years


Difference Between Bison and Buffalo

If you are like one of the many people who love to have buffalo meat in their home, then you must be well aware of the fact that there are many differences between bison and buffalo meat. Bison meat is preferred over buffalo meat as it is leaner and has a richer taste than buffalo meat. It is also healthier as it does not contain fat and cholesterol in its tissues. Buffalo meat, on the other hand, has less lean muscle tissue and more fat than bison meat. There are many other differences between bison and buffalo meat that are not mentioned here.

It’s important to know the difference between Bison and Buffalo because there are so many differences. However, the Bison and Buffalo are related. They both come from the same species of animals called Bovidae. In fact, bison are actually members of the same species as cattle, goats, sheep, and other domesticated animals. The word buffalo is an older term for this type of animal.

The next time that you see a documentary about the big, bad buffalo, ask yourself this question: What is the difference between Bison and Buffalo? You will find out that there is a big difference between the two.

In this article, we will explore the differences between Bison and Buffalo. We will also talk about where they come from and how they were domesticated. We will also explore their appearance, diet, habitat, and social structure.

What is a bison?

A bison is a large, humped animal with large horns. They are known as buffalo and are usually found in herds of 50 or more. They have a heavy, soft fur that can vary in color from white to black. Their legs are covered with thick hair and their hooves are round and white. A bison can weigh up to 1000 pounds and stand about 8 feet tall at the shoulder. Their heads can be up to 2 feet long and their ears are short, pointed, and rounded. They have two main teeth in each jaw and five molars in each cheek. The skin of a bison is very thick and can be used to make coats, blankets, and rugs. Their horns are made of bone and are only shed once a year.

What is a buffalo?

Buffalo is a very large and robust animal that is mainly found in the grasslands of North America. The buffalo’s habitat varies from arid to moist lands, and it can be found in North America, Asia, Africa, and Europe.

The buffalo has a thick coat of hair that is shaggy and usually ranges from black to reddish brown. It also has horns that are the size of its head and a massive tail. The body of the buffalo is about three times larger than that of a cow.

The word “buffalo” is derived from the French word “bouffon” which means “buffoon” or “jester”. The buffalo is a herbivore and feeds on grasses, fruits, and other vegetation. It also eats the leaves of shrubs and trees.

The main predators of the buffalo are wolves, coyotes, and eagles. However, humans have been known to hunt them as well.

What are the similarities between a bison and a buffalo?

Before we discuss the differences between bison and buffalo, let’s first look at the similarities between the two animals.

The similarities between bison and buffalo are very few. In fact, these two animals have very little in common. However, one similarity that the two share is that they are both large.

Bison and buffalo are the largest mammals in North America. They both weigh around 1,000 pounds.

Both bison and buffalo are herbivores. They both feed on grasses, herbs, and other plants. They also have a high level of immunity to disease and other health problems.

Bison and buffalo are very similar in appearance. Both animals have large heads with big horns, long necks, and huge bodies. They also have long legs with hooves for feet. Both bison and buffalo have four-chambered stomachs. They can store and digest a lot of food in their stomachs.

What are the differences between bison and buffalo?

  1. Size

The bison is usually smaller than the buffalo. The average bison weighs around 500 pounds and the average buffalo weighs around 1,000 pounds.

  1. Coloring

The bison is usually brownish-gray in color, while the buffalo is usually black. The color of the bison and buffalo is dependent on the region in which they live.

  1. Life Span

The bison lives for about 12 years, while the buffalo lives for about 20 years. The lifespan of a bison is usually shorter than that of a buffalo because they have smaller bodies and are unable to survive as long as their larger counterparts.

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