Difference Between C7 and C9 Christmas Lights

By: | Updated: Apr-9, 2023
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Difference Between C7 and C9 Christmas Lights

Christmas lights that are C7 or C9 are very fashionable. Using C7 and C9 Christmas lights is a very popular way to decorate your home. They can be installed on your roof or on the ground beside your house. Both kinds of lights are very clear, and you can see the bulb clearly, or they can have a nice white glow to them. Both C7 and C9 lights can be turned on and off, and the way they light up helps you decorate your holiday decorations.

Summary Table

C7 Christmas Light C9 Christmas Light
Are ideal for decorating in the retro style Not suitable for decorating in a retro style.
Two inches long Between 2 and 34 and 3 inches in length
E-12 candelabra is the base. E-17 intermediate is the base.
5 or 7 watts are used in incandescent bulbs. The power of incandescent bulbs is 7 or 9.
Not a good choice for decorating an outdoor tree Ideal for decorating outdoor trees

If you are replacing bulbs in an old Christmas tree, it’s a good idea to bring an old bulb with you to measure the bulb that will go with your new bulbs. It’s important to know the bulb sizing information before you shop for light bulbs. That way, you’ll know exactly which size bulb you should buy to fulfill all of the holiday lighting needs.

There may be a couple of differences that you need to know about C7 and C9 Christmas lights in order to decide what would work best for your holiday decorating project. Here are some things you want to remember, as well as some helpful tips for your Christmas decorating tips.

What is the C7 Christmas Light?

C7 lights require just a very basic bulb for their base. The C7 bulbs used in C7 Christmas lights are very tiny, and require a very narrow base. This bulb is usually used for Christmas trees that are a small size, whether inside a house or outside. C7 Christmas light cords are often used to light up a roof or to line the outside of a very narrow building.

C7 bulbs are the cheaper of two types of bulbs, but still useful. Using 90% more electricity than conventional bulbs, but are still as bright as incandescent bulbs. They also need no special sockets to be used with cords.

C9 lights use a bulb that has a base that is larger and requires a larger lamp to light it. If it is really important to have a bright Christmas tree, we would suggest using our new SMD LED bulbs. These are very bright and are available in various colors and types.

C7 bulbs and strings can be used for a variety of different purposes due to the fact that they are less durable and lighter, such as:

  • Decorative designs for gardens
  • Wrapped around and placed in trees
  • For party celebration
  • Christmas displays.

What is the C9 Christmas Light?

Difference Between C7 and C9 Christmas Lights

Christmas decorations that are constructed from C9 bulbs are called C9 lights because of the type of C9 bulb that the lights are made from. These lights can be used to line up a big roof or to light a business building. If you notice a big restaurant or a larger building illuminated with lights, it is usually an indication of the light bulbs being installed in this area.

The C9 bulb resembles the C7 light bulb in that they are energy friendly, but contain more LEDs. While they look very much like a strawberry, you will find that the C9 bulbs are bigger and that they provide more light. C9 base light bulbs use an extra-large base lamp instead of a standard E17 bulb base.

It is generally accepted that large LED bulbs are better for commercial use, as they enable store owners to easily install large scale decorations in their stores. The bright LED C8 bulbs can be seen in Christmas lights, and can be seen on roofs and doors on businesses. Some churches have lighting fixtures in them to make it look festive, and businesses use them to design a fence or to create a seasonal display.

How are They Related?

Some LED bulbs are designed to look exactly as if they were designed to look old-fashioned and can even give you the feel of an old-fashioned light bulb. Some LED bulbs look very sophisticated and are used in many different ways in homes. They look great on roofs and gazebos, and are excellent for edging gardens and for decorating and displaying trees. Disney World decorated its buildings and gardens with bulbs that look like old-fashioned bulbs.

If you have several LED lights, these bulbs will look great at your holiday parties, and if you use them, they will look like a kind of vintage Christmas tree. If you are using a lot of incandescent bulbs, it is important that you do not put a lot of heat inside them. Even if you don’t have a large number of bulbs, it is possible to use clear bulbs to create a great looking lighting look.

It is very useful to find a bulb that works with the type of stringer you are planning to use. Also, be sure to get the right cord for the type of bulb that you are using. Although both incandescent bulbs and LED lights work well with regular light strings, it’ll be very helpful for you to keep in mind that your stringer can only handle 700 watts, and that you can only run 250 feet of 18 gauge wire, no matter how many sockets you install.

When you place the bulbs in a stringer, you should always consider putting a fuse in the male end of the line when you add a light. It is important to keep in mind that incandescent lights can get very hot when used, and that is why it is important to put a fuse in each end of a line that has several sockets. Particularly, it is important to keep them away from very dangerous trees. In the United States, stringers are required to have a fuse in the female plug end of each of the sockets in order to protect the people who are using the stringers from being damaged by a fire. It is typical for stringers to carry a breaker at the end of the line that they are using.

What are the Differences?

The looks

If all that is needed is a simple, old-fashioned look for Christmas trees and other decorations, the C7 Christmas Light will do the trick. They work great for decorating in a vintage way, like a light bulb would. LED bulbs are more energy-efficient than traditional halogen lights. LED bulbs are also more comfortable to touch. LED lights are much more efficient in terms of using less energy and they also shine brightly and are less hot to the touch.

The purpose

C7 lights use more compact bulbs than C9 lights. If you are planning on decorating a large space, you’d better use C9 Christmas light bulbs. If there is a need for you to light up a large area in your house, like a two story house, then C9 Christmas lights will be the best option for you. C7 Christmas light bulbs are used on objects and decorations which are not too far away for the viewer to see.

Watt consumption

Christmas bulbs come in 5 watts or even 7 watts, and LED versions of C9 light bulbs run at 0.96 watts. When you buy an upgrade to C7 Christmas lights, the bulbs are less than 0.96 Watt. C9 Christmas bulbs, on one hand, have bulbs which can be powered by anything between 7 and 9 watts. In the case of LED bulbs, the output of a bulb is as low as 0.96 watts.

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