Difference Between Communism and Fascism

By: | Updated: Jul-25, 2024
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In the present time, there are two major political ideologies that are conflicting with each other. They are communism and fascism. Some people are not aware of the differences between communism and fascism. But to understand the current political conflict, one should understand the difference between communism and fascism. To do this, we can take a look back to the time when communism and fascism were first established.

The article will focus on the history of communism and fascism, the difference between communism and fascism, and how they filter blood.

Summary Table

Communism Fascism
People oriented Leader oriented
A social movement that focuses on class struggle and a society without social classes An authoritarian ideology and mass movement that focuses more on nationalism and militarism


Difference Between Communism and Fascism

What is communism?

Communism is a form of government where all of the land, property, and money are owned by the people. There is no private property. All citizens share everything equally. Everyone is equal in terms of social status and income. There are no social classes. The only form of government that can exist under communism is democratic socialism (sometimes called “liberal socialism”). Democratic socialism is when the people vote for who will be in charge, but they do not have any power to change things once those people are elected. Under communism, there is no private property so you do not own anything (even your own body). The people own everything and you get what everyone is allowed to have.

Communism was first proposed by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels in their book, “The Communist Manifesto”.

They were both German philosophers. Their writings are the basis for all modern communist thought. In the book, they argued that all of the land, property, and money should be owned by the people (the government). They believed that all people should share everything equally and there should be no social classes. Marx and Engels also argued that capitalism (which is when there is private ownership of property) would inevitably collapse because of internal problems (such as class struggle). Once capitalism collapsed, the people would rise up against their leaders and overthrow them.

Then, the government would take control of everything and everyone would share everything equally.

What is fascism?

Fascism is a form of government where the people vote for their leaders, but the leaders are in charge of life and can make changes without consulting with anyone else.  Under fasicsm, the leaders are in charge of life and can make changes without consulting with anyone else. This means that the decisions made by the leaders will be based on what they think is best for everyone, not what people want or think about things. It also means that those leaders have complete control over all of the land, property, and money and can do whatever they want with it without having to answer to anyone else. Facism is also called “authoritarian ultranationalism” because it is a form of government that gives complete control to the leader.

In fascism, there is private property and social classes, but the leaders have complete control over everything. The government may be democratic or totalitarian (a form of government where one person has complete control over everything).

Communism Vs. Fascism:

There are many differences between communism and fascism. Some of them are:

  1. The idea

Communism is an economic theory and a social movement that focuses on class struggle and a society without social classes.

Fascism is an authoritarian ideology, political movement, and mass movement that focuses on nationalism, militarism, and anti-communism.

  1. Who the enemy is

In communism, it has the concept of class struggle. The idea is that capitalism exploits workers, and it uses force to keep them in a state of poverty.

In fascism, it has the concept of nationalism. The idea is that workers must be united and organized in order to be successful.

  1. What the solution is

Communism believes that capitalism can be abolished and replaced with a system of collective ownership and social equality.

Fascism believes that a strong central government must be in place to unify the country.

They believe that workers should unite under one nation.

  1. The methods used

Communism believes in peaceful political change through revolution. They believe that revolution will be a long process.

Fascism believes in military dictatorship. They believe that only a strong leader can make the changes that are needed.

  1. The politics

Communism believes in democratic centralism or socialism, which means they have a democratic party but have central leadership.

Fascism believes in corporatism, which means they have a strong central government and leaders are appointed.

  1. The size of the government

Communism believes in a small government, where most of the power is held by the people.

Fascism believes in a large government, where most of the power is held by the leader.

  1. The economy

Communism believes in communal ownership and distribution. They believe that all property should be owned by the people.

Fascism believes in a free market economy, where private ownership by powerful people is encouraged.

  1. The approach to religion

Communism believes in a secular society and opposes organized religion. They believe that the state should control the religious institutions.

Fascism believes in a national religion, and the leader is usually a priest. They believe that religion should be used to promote the values of the state.

  1. The relationship with other countries

Communism believes in a world without borders and that nations should work together. They believe that nations can work together peacefully to create a better world for everyone.

Fascism believes in imperialism, which means they want to take over other countries and have their own way of life.

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