Difference Between Favorite and Favourite

By: | Updated: Jul-25, 2024
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Language is a tool used to communicate, and every language has its own unique terms. As the years go by, people may have different ideas about what certain words mean.

The best way to learn the meanings of words is to understand the context in which they are used.

English is a language of the Anglo-Saxon family, and it is a Germanic language. It has been widely used in the United States, the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and Ireland.

Its use is worldwide because it has been adapted to various cultures. There are different variations of English spoken in different parts of the world.

Summary Table

Favorite Favourite
American English British English
Spelled a clear “F-A-V-O-R” Has an additional “u” in “F-A-V-O-U-R”
Available in Merriam-Webster and Oxford dictionaries Available in Cambridge dictionary

Difference Between Favorite and Favourite

There are three main variations of English: British, American and Australian. The American variation is mostly used in North America, while the Australian variation is mostly used in Australia. British English is used in the United Kingdom, Ireland and other parts of the world. The Australian variation of English is also known as “Commonwealth English”.

Because of the different variations of English, there are different variations of words that are used in the different varieties. Sometimes, the same words have different meanings or different spellings. These words may be confusing because the same word can have different pronunciations.

The words “favorite” and “favourite” are examples of these words. They are both used to describe someone or something that is liked or loved by a person. However, there are some differences between the two words. In this article, we will discuss the differences between “favorite” and “favourite”. We will also discuss how to use the words properly, how to pronounce them and when to use them.

So, let’s get started!

What Does it Mean by “Favorite”?

The word “favorite” is used to describe something that is liked by a person. In other words, it means that the person likes or loves the thing. It also means that the person will support or back up the thing. When something is our “favorite” it means that there are other things that we like or love but this one is the best.

The word “favorite” is used in a lot of different ways. For example, we can say that the team that we support is our favorite team. We can also say that we like a movie that is released in the year 2015 and this one is our favorite. We can also say that we like a certain brand of shoes and this one is our favorite.

By having a “favorite” we can also say that we will support or back up the thing.

For example, when we are supporting a political party or an organization, then we will say that this party is our favorite. We can also say that a certain restaurant is our favorite because it serves good food and service.

What Does it Mean by “Favourite”?

“Favourite” is an adjective which means “liked”. The meaning of this word is the same as that of “favorite”. It means to like something or someone. For example,

“I am a big fan of the movie ‘300’”. Here, the word “fan” is an adjective. The word “fan” means “liking”. Here, we can change “fan” to “favourite” and we will get the meaning of “liked”.

For example: “the movie ‘300’ is my favourite movie”.

By having this understanding, we can clearly understand that when we have something that we really like, we can say that we are a “favourite” of it.

How are They Related?

Both “favorite” and “favourite” are similar in meaning. They both mean something that is liked or loved by a person. When you are talking about someone’s favorite color, you are talking about the color that they like or love. You can also use “favorite” to describe the person who likes or loves something. When you talk about your favorite band, you are referring to the band that you like or love.

The word “favourite” is another version of the word “favorite”. The words are similar in pronunciation and spelling. At first glance, they both are spelled with the same letters and have the same pronunciation.

The words “favorite” and “favourite” are pronounced with a long a sound.

The a in these words is pronounced like the a in “face”. The e in these words is pronounced silent, and the o in these words is pronounced like the o in “fur”.

So, the words “favorite” and “favourite” are related to each other in meaning. They both mean something that is liked or loved by a person. They are similar in pronunciation and spelling.

What are the Differences?

Although both “favorite” and “favourite” are used to describe something that is liked or loved by a person, there are some differences between the two words. Here are some of the differences:

American and British English

In American English, “favorite” is a noun. The word “favorite” is also an adjective. It is used to describe something that is the most liked or loved by a person. In British English, instead of using “favorite” as a noun, the word “favourite” is used.


In American English, the spelling of “favourite” is “F-A-V-O-R”. In British English, the word “favourite” is spelled “F-A-V-O-U-R”. There is an additional u in “favourite” in British English.


In American English, the pronunciation of “favourite” is clear, fast and short. In British English, the pronunciation of “favourite” is clear, slow and long because of the additional u in the word.


You can find the word “favorite” in the Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary and in Oxford’s New English Dictionary. You can find the word “favourite” in the Cambridge Advanced Learner’s Dictionary and in the Collins English Dictionary.

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