Difference Between Hydrostatic and Osmotic Pressure

By: | Updated: Jul-25, 2024
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Difference Between Hydrostatic and Osmotic Pressure

Pressure is circumscribed as the power per unit part that contradicts a flowing stream. It is a measure of the objection to the flow of a fluid or liquid in a pipe, a reservoir or alike vessel. Pressure is also outlined as the force per unit region that controverts the gesticulate of a fluid over such reservoirs.

Summary Table

Hydrostatic Pressure Osmotic Pressure
Occurs in both homogenous solutions and pure solutions It can’t be found in pure solutions
Not involving a semi-permeable membrane Involving a semi-permeable membrane
Seen in non-flowing solutions Seen in solutions where there is solute mobility

Hydrostatic pressure is the load of a fluid that is acting in a scope and driving lower on it. It is the push applied by a procession of fluid at peace on the surface of a vertical object submerged in it. Osmotic press is circumscribed as coerce wielded on the skin of any cell holding fluids (liquid surrounding the cells) due to the hydrostatic pressure of the watery interior.

As the strain inward the cell increases a layer will clasp and distort. A cell will split if it acquires over the top pressure. Osmotic pressure impacts cells that have membranes in solvent with other particles (like water), but it does not influence cells that possess solid fashion like a nucleus or mitochondria.

What is Hydrostatic Pressure?

Hydrostatic compel is the strength of a column of liquefied matter at rest on the surface of an upright object engrossed in it. A fluid can simply apply hydrostatic pressure on dissimilar fluid if they are at rest and can strive this push solely when they are at stay. The quantity of hydrostatic press that an object can resist relies on the denseness of the thing. The pressure that an object can endure is a point of both the volume of the object and its tightness. That is to say, if you and I put twice or threefold the size or boost by a factor of ten or 100 then our aptitude to uphold hydrostatical force will not alter all that greatly. The object will consider the pressure is the equivalent but in actuality it will be substantially less.

The usage of hydrostatic pressure to ascertain the pressurization within a watery body has been around for centenaries. Hydrostatic mechanism is used in basically all watering systems and multitudinous other implementations where aqua is used in enormous numbers. As a paradigm, a rancher can use the fluid press utilized by his water pump to identify how much water is requisite for a specific chore. Like the pressure applied by a foot on the outside of a water pump the level of pressure is at once commensurate to the duration that it takes to press down.

What is Osmotic Pressure?

Osmotic press is specified as push applied on the layer of any cell maintaining fluids (liquid encircling the cells) due to the fluid mechanics pressure of the liquid inside. As a plain illustration, when you place salted water in a glassware it will permeate up all but the very top few hairsbreadths. This is as long as the tension inside the glass is higher than the tension outside of it.

This dissimilarity in pressure between inside and outside of the cell is acknowledged as osmotic pressure. Osmotic pressure is influential because it impacts cells that have membranes in solution with other molecules but it does not feign cells that have solid structures like a nucleus or mitochondria. Osmotic pressure can also affect cells that have both solid and fluid parts. For exemplar in plants cells such as the chloroplast of fresh plants, hold immense amounts of water in the cytoplasm (the inside of the cell) but they moreover incorporate solid structures like mitochondria and nuclei. In view of the fact that osmotic pressure can influence the membranes of both the cytoplasm and the organelles.

Difference Between Hydrostatic and Osmotic Pressure

How are They Related?

Hydrostatical pressure and osmotic pressure have a straightforward liaison. The amount of hydrostatic press that an object can resist rests on the compactness of the object.

This means that as greater aqua is included in a reservoir, more force will be wielded on its surrounds (since it has more load). This is why water is often used to increase the pressure of a system. Since there is more water than air in a container, the walls will be proficient to bear more pressure but it will still be capable of holding up a comparable quantity of liquid.

Imagine you stuff your bathing tub with water. This causes the push inside the tub to rise. This is because there is more water in the bathtub than there is air, so it brings to bear more force on the walls of the bath tub. Since you used a lot more water than air at this point you can rest assured that your walls will hold up as much pressure for a plenty of time.

Yet if you are using a lot lesser water than air then the walls will be able to stand less pressure. If this were the case then after a definite point you would little by little inaugurate to see the water coming out of your tub.

At any rate, if there is too much pressure on the walls of the tub they will crack and the water will come out. This is because there would be too much pressure for the water to stay inside of it, even though you used a slight volume of water.

What are the Differences?


Hydrodynamic press is enclosed as the load of a fluid that is acting in an area and urging down on it. It is the power utilized by a column of liquid at rest on the surface of a perpendicular object engrossed in it.

Osmotic press is outlined as pressure exerted on the membrane of any cell keeping fluids due to the hydrostatic pressure of the liquid inside.


Hydrostatic force is measured by the total of weight or force that can be applied on a surface due to its absolute volume. Osmotic pressure is calculated by the amount of pressure that can be exerted on a membrane by a liquid in an confined area. Osmotic pressure has more to do with the matter in which it is calculated and the size of the area being measured.


Hydrostatic pressure is estimated by the number of loads or strength that can be applied on a surface due to its absolute magnitude. Osmotic pressure is assessed by the amount of pressure that can be exerted on a membrane by a liquid in an enveloped scope. Osmotic pressure has more to do with the essence in which it is measured and the size of the area being calculated.


Hydrostatic pressure is a steady volume force that applies a net force on an object or surface, while osmotic pressure is a variable volume force that applies a net force on an object or surface. Hydrostatic pressure forces are applied in a fixed volume as it is measured and osmotic pressure forces are applied over a variable volume.

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