Difference Between Prune and Plum

By: | Updated: Jul-25, 2024
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Prune is a name given to many different fruit trees, including plum, apricot, cherry and apple. It is believed that the name comes from the fact that prunes resemble the shape of a prune, although this is disputed. It is generally used to refer to dried plums, which are used as a fruit and an ingredient in cooking.

Summary Table

Prune Plum
More bitter Sweeter
Similar to raisins Look similar to apples
Usually dried Can be eaten fresh

Difference Between Prune and Plum

In addition to being dried plums, prunes are also known as seedless prunes, since they do not contain any seeds. They are commonly eaten as a snack or a dessert. They are usually prepared by soaking the prunes in water and then simmering them for several hours until they become soft. It is important to note that the term “prune” is not used for all types of dried plums.

Plum is another name for many different types of fruit trees including apricot, cherry and apple. The name comes from the fact that it resembles a plum in shape and size. The skin of plum fruit contains small edible pits called “pips” or “plums” (depending on whether the tree produces male or female flowers). The majority of plum trees produce fruit containing one or two large, juicy pits, but some produce several smaller pits in addition to one large pit (called “half-pits”). The pits are usually edible but may contain some tart-tasting skin material around them (called “pimples”). Some plum trees produce flowers that do not produce fruit.

Sweet, soft, and delicious, plums and prunes are a great addition to any meal. They have a lot of similarities in taste and appearance, making them ideal as a snack. Both types of fruit are made from the same family of plants, which are known as the “prune” or “plum” family. However, there are some important differences between plums and prunes. In this article, we will discuss the difference between prunes and plums. We will also discuss the characteristics of each fruit and the ways in which they are used.

What is Prune?

A prune is a dried fruit that has been preserved by being placed in a concentrated solution of salt. This is a popular ingredient in many recipes. Prunes are usually dried before being placed in water. They are then soaked in this solution to remove excess water and salt, resulting in a sweet tasting fruit that can be eaten raw or cooked.

Prunes are usually used in cooking to add sweetness and body to dishes. They are also often used as a topping for ice cream, cheesecake, yogurt, or fruit salads. Prunes are especially good when combined with other ingredients such as cinnamon and sugar.

What is Plum?

Plums are a type of fruit. They are soft, juicy, and sweet. In fact, plums have been a part of history for thousands of years. For example, they were an important part of ancient Roman and Greek diets. Plums are a large part of the diet in several countries, including Japan, Australia, and China.

Plums have a dark red color. They are usually about 3 to 4 inches in diameter and about the same in length. Plums are usually a part of dessert or snack foods, but they can also be used as cooking ingredients. The plum family is divided into several varieties based on their taste and size. The types of plums include the “common” plum, “prune” or “black” plum, and “tart” or pie plums.

How are They Related?

Both plums and prunes are part of the “prune” or “plum” family.

The word “prune” is derived from the French word meaning, “to take off a limb.” This family includes plants such as apricots, cherries, peaches, nectarines, and plums. The two most popular types of prunes are dried plums and fresh or fresh-frozen prunes. These types of fruit are known as dried plum and sweet cherry varieties respectively. There are also other fruits in this family that include sour cherries, sour plums, sour apricots, and bitter cherries.

Both plums and prunes are usually grown on a tree. The only difference between the two is that plums are generally grown on deciduous trees, while prunes are usually grown on evergreen trees. However, some cultivars of both plums and prunes are grown on vines. Prunes have a very short growing season and are usually available only in the late summer or early fall. They are usually harvested from late summer to early fall. Plums are usually available all year round and can be harvested in the late spring, early summer, or autumn.

What are the Differences?

Although both fruits are derived from the same family of plants, there are some differences between plums and prunes. Here are the main differences between these two types of fruit:


Plums are much sweeter than prunes. They have a sweet taste and are often used in desserts. Prunes, on the other hand, have a bitter taste. They are often added to baked goods and sometimes eaten as a snack.


Plums look similar to apples while prunes look like small dates or small raisins. They are round and have a smooth surface.

Plums are usually red or purple while prunes are brown in color.


Plums can be eaten fresh, but they tend to ripen after picking and should be stored at room temperature. Plums can be used in many different ways. They can be used to make jams, pies, cakes, and juices. Prunes are not usually eaten fresh but are usually dried after they have been picked. They can be used to make dried prune products such as prune juice or prune puree.

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