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As similar as the two may be in terms of wealth accumulation, both economic systems have several differences that significantly distinguish one from the other. Summary Table Mercantilism Capitalism Accumulate wealth for the country with...
This article talks about how different a food chain is from a food web, and vice versa. Let’s look at the facts. Summary Table Food Chain Food Web Follows a single and direct path as...
Often we hear the words picture, photo and image used interchangeably, yet they somehow still sound correct. It’s not really that big of a deal, but for the sake of their existence, why not use...
Believe it or not, most people have little to no idea about the difference between a web browser and a search engine. If you do know the difference, congratulations, but for the others who don’t,...
With wireless networks, or Wi-Fi, becoming the norm in most homes, it has become a target for many hackers and key-loggers due to poor security network. This is why WEP, WPA and WPA2 were created....
Do you remember feeling panicked about some form of infatuation over a person you did not expect to fall for and then having a friend tell you to relax because it was just a crush?...
You may have heard these words in discussions about modern society. If you understand what each of them means, then you have noticed that some people use these terms interchangeably, even though this is not...
Does everybody get to have a one on one session with the school psychologist? Or is that the school counselor? Can schools hire one person to do both of these jobs, or do they require...
So you were watching TV one night and figured that the quality of TV shows has gone down so much lately that you could even write a screenplay yourself. Or is that a script? Well,...
Imagine this: you are leaving the country in one day and you suddenly realize that the bathroom faucet is leaking heavily. You would like to get it fixed instead of leaving home and worrying about...