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Category: Life

When two people live together, have sex, make their incomes and assets available to each other and talk about children or even have children, are they dating or are they married? A lot of lines...
There is so much talk about the “friend zone” lately that some people are actually confused about how one person could romantically pursue another yet be considered a “friend.” What is the difference between a...
In the realm of fantasy, wizards and warlocks are the formidable wizened, magic-wielding, spell-casting characters capable of turning the tides of battle, healing the sick and wounded and perhaps cooking up a vial of love...
Is it better to be smart or intelligent? Can anyone be both? This is a question that could be easily answered by someone who knows what the difference between smart and intelligent is. If you...
The flute and the piccolo are both woodwind instruments that are used to create different kinds of music. Many solo and group performances feature these two instruments. While sharing some similarities, a flute and a piccolo differ...
The internet is teeming with feel-good videos of people going out of their way to help random strangers. There are those who say it is human nature to be motivated by self-interest. They would say...
Booker T. Washington and W.E.B. DuBois are two of the African-American rights movement’s towering figures. online pharmacy with best prices today in the USA Both known as educators and public intellectuals, the two held...
When caught in a steamy relationship, most people find it hard to tell whether what they are feeling is actually love, or just lust. They both feel just as intense and they both make you...
Relationships are very confusing. One reason is that, for one, there are two people involved. A second reason is that it is sometimes difficult for a person to know their own feelings, let alone the...
In behavioral psychology, negative reinforcement and punishment are forms of control that are meant to modify behavior. This similarity is perhaps why it’s confusing to tell one from the other. This article will help shed...