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Category: Religion

The Episcopalian and Catholic churches are two of the most important and influential churches in the world. Both of these churches have their own history and doctrines, and there are some similarities between the two...
There are over a million different people in the world who practice Judaism, but the word Talmud means different things to different people. To some, it is just another book of law, but to others,...
There are several different types of religious leaders. In Christianity, there are ministers, pastors, and reverends. online pharmacy with best prices today in the USA Each has a different role and duty in the...
In terms of religion, prayer is one of the most significant religious acts performed by a person, which is performed by a person with a certain objective. The act of prayer is also known as...
Did you know there was a connection between Hinduism and Buddhism? No? Do you at least know the differences between them? If the answer is still no, then you should keep reading this article and...
Do you know the difference between the Christian Science and Scientology? Many people do not understand what each of these religions mean. At a first glance, you might say they are religions that combine the...
Regardless of your stand on religion and alliance to a certain religious group, knowing a little something about different religions and denominations is never a bad idea. For example, do you know how many Christian...
Bible colleges and seminaries form a vital part of the Christian educational system. online pharmacy with best prices today in the USA Both kinds of institutions feature theology as the center of their curriculum,...
The word Catholic means “universal” in old Greek. True to its name, Catholicism is the largest major Christian movement, with members spread across all seven continents. From the Eastern Catholic churches to the Roman Catholic...
Orthodoxy and Protestantism are two of Christendom’s three major divisions. Both started as reactions to theological and political disputes within early Christianity. However, the similarities end there. Although Orthodox and Protestant churches are not entirely...