Difference Between Bible and Quran

By: | Updated: Jul-25, 2024
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Since the age of discovery, people started to write down their views and beliefs. These were the first writings that came into existence. This made them more prominent in the society. There were lots of books that were written by these writers and also by others.

Back then, people did not have a single book that was considered as the true source of the religion. They had different books which were used by different people. There were some common and general ideas that were used by all these people but still there were some differences in their views.

As time passed, these differences started to increase and more differences emerged. There was no central authority who could make these people to come together and decide which book is correct. So, they started to have different views on this subject.

There were different views on the religion of Islam and also on the religion of Christianity. They had differences in their understanding of these religions. They also had different interpretations on these religions.

Summary Table

Bible Quran
The Bible is a collection of books written by people, such as Moses, David, Isaiah, and others The Quran is a book that has been revealed by God to his messenger Muhammad (PBUH)
The Bible was written during the Old Testament and New Testament eras The Quran was revealed during the lifetime of Muhammad (PBUH).
Written in Hebrew language Written in Arabic


Difference Between Bible and Quran

Now, it is a very common thing that people have different interpretations on different things and they do not agree with each other. However, this difference between Islam and Christianity has not changed since the beginning of time. The two religions have had their differences and they still have differences today.

It is important to understand that the two religions are not completely different from each other. They have some similarities in their views and beliefs. These similarities make them almost similar but they are still different. It is also important to understand that these differences are not limited to Islam and Christianity only. There are many other religions that have these differences as well.

The book that is considered as the holy book of Islam is called the Quran.

The book that is considered as the holy book of Christianity is called the Bible. It is important to understand that both these books are considered as the holy books of their religions. People read these books and follow their teachings very carefully. It is also important to understand that these books are very old and they have a very long history.

Both are considered as the holy books of their religions. Both are very old and they have a very long history.

But still, there are some differences between these books.

The difference between these books is very significant and it is not just about the text. There are many differences in the way they have been written.

In this article, we will explain the differences between these two books. We will also try to explain how these differences can be explained. We will also try to give some examples that will help you understand this topic better. So let’s get started.

What is the Bible?

Bible is the collection of books in the Old Testament that were originally written in Hebrew and Aramaic by the Jewish priests, prophets, kings, and other people from the first century to 400 AD. It contains the history of Israel, the life of Jesus, and the Christian religion.

What is Quran?

Quran is the sacred books in Arabic language that was revealed by Allah to Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) for all Muslims around the world. Quran contains the guidance for all Muslims about their daily lives, marriage, business, money matters, worshiping Allah and reading it every day.

What are the similarities between the Bible and the Quran?

Before we go to the differences between the Bible and the Quran, we need to understand what is the relationship between these two religions.

Bible is a compilation of books written by different authors over many years. The Bible contains the Old Testament and New Testament. The Quran is a compilation of revelations given to Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) which was revealed in a single period of time (around twenty years). Although different, they have similar texts and are therefore considered to be complementary.

  1. They both have a similar view of God, but differ in their beliefs about God’s role in the world and how people should live their lives.
  2. They both focus on God’s commands for people to live by and how they should conduct themselves in the world, not on his miracles and how he created the world.
  3. They both contain stories of how people have been saved by God and what it means to be a true believer.
  4. They both contain many stories of how people have been punished by God for their sins.
  5. They both have stories about prophets who brought messages from God and were used as examples for the rest of humanity.
  6. They both contain information about the afterlife and how people should conduct themselves on the Day of Judgment.
  7. They both contain information about angels and what they do and why they exist.
  8. They both contain information about how people should treat each other, animals, plants, rocks, etc., in their day-to-day lives.

What are the differences between the Bible and the Quran?

The two holy books are completely different in terms of style, content, and their contents.

  1. The origins

The Bible is a collection of books written by people, such as Moses, David, Isaiah, and others. They are arranged in order to make the book comprehensive.

The Quran is a book that has been revealed by God to his messenger Muhammad (PBUH). This book is a compilation of revelations from God that are arranged in order to make the book comprehensive.

  1. The time of writing

The Bible was written during the Old Testament and New Testament eras. The Old Testament is composed of books written by Moses, Joshua, Judges, Samuel, Kings, and others. The Quran was revealed during the lifetime of Muhammad (PBUH).

  1. Scope of their contents

The Bible is a collection of books that have been written by various people and contain the details of history, rules, regulations, laws, beliefs, and ethics. The Quran is a book that has been revealed by God to his messenger Muhammad (PBUH). It contains guidance for the people and an explanation of the purpose of creation.

  1. Language

The Bible is written in the Hebrew language. The Quran is written in Arabic.

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