It’s quite common for people to interchange club soda with seltzer water as long as they can see those nice, sparkling, little bubbles in their aerated drinks. However, these artificially carbonated drinks are different in more ways than one. If you like mixing up cocktails, cooking food, or if you’re a lover of carbonated water, this one’s for you.
- 1 Summary Table
- 2 Definitions
- 3 Club Soda vs Seltzer Water
- 4 The Differences Between Club Soda and Seltzer Water
- 5 The Mineral Content of Club Soda and Seltzer
- 6 Tonic Water, Sparkling Mineral Water, Gin and Tonic
- 7 Drinks Made from Club Soda
- 8 Uses for Seltzer Water
- 9 Natural vs Artificial Carbonation and the Effects of Seltzer on Your Health
Summary Table
Club Soda | Seltzer Soda |
Contains minerals and sodium for taste | Does not contain mineral additives |
Low-calorie alternative to sugary sodas | Can relieve symptoms of digestion problems and acidity. |
Texture enhancer for pancakes and waffles | Makes a good stain remover |

Before we start, let’s define a few terms. We will define what is club soda and what is seltzer water. We will also compare the two drinks and talk about their benefits and drawbacks.
Club soda is plain water that is artificially carbonated and mixed with small mineral additives such as potassium sulfate and potassium bicarbonate. These additives neutralize acidity and emulates the taste of natural mineral water. The carbon dioxide in carbonated water brings out the effervescence (fizz and bubbles) in these tasty and refreshing beverages..
In addition to being a favorite cocktail mixer, club soda is low-calorie alternative to sugary sodas. Club soda mixed with the batter enhances the texture of pancakes and waffles. Expect the same results with tempura when club soda (instead of milk or water) is mixed with the batter.

Seltzer water (also known as just “seltzer” or “seltsers”) is carbonated water as well, but it does not contain any mineral additives. Aside from water, it only has carbon dioxide. It is similar to mineral water, the only difference being that seltzer water is artificially carbonated. Seltzer water is available as plain or flavored versions.
Seltzer is a popular mixer used in cocktails. Fruit juices get more fizziness when seltzer is added into the mix. Restaurants use seltzer water in their bars and soda fountains. They add it to sweet drink mixtures served as fresh sodas.
Many people have started using seltzer water in their homes, particularly as a stain remover. When added to the stain, seltzer water is known to accelerate the stain removal process.
Club Soda vs Seltzer Water
So, what’s the difference between club soda and seltzer water? While both drinks are artificially carbonated, club soda contains mineral additives which allows it to taste like mineral water. Seltzer water has only carbon dioxide due to the carbonation, although flavored versions are available.
Despite negative views about artificially carbonated drinks, club soda has proven to be a low-calorie alternative to sugar-laden sodas. Surprisingly, it is also a texture enhancer when substituted for milk and water in the batter mix of pancakes or waffles. Seltzer water mixed with fruit juices has more effervescence and is commonly done in restaurant bars and soda fountains. People use seltzer water to aid in removing stains. Natural healthcare advocates recommend seltzer as an effective remedy for symptoms of indigestion and acidity problems.
The Differences Between Club Soda and Seltzer Water
To give you a better understanding of the differences between club soda and seltzer water, let’s look at the facts:
Club Soda
Club soda is a soft drink made from carbonated water, flavoring, and other ingredients. While some people may think that club soda has little to no flavor, others may enjoy the taste of it. It is commonly used in cocktails and to flavor other drinks.
This bubbly water has the flavor of club soda and a lot of other flavors that make it taste like a lot of different things. There are some club sodas that have no flavor at all, which are used to help cleanse the stomach. Others are sweetened and flavored, which is good for making refreshing drinks. Some have a small amount of carbonation, while others have a larger amount.
The bubbly water is made by adding air to carbonated water, which is then sealed in a bottle. This air is allowed to escape slowly, and it makes the drink become a fizzy water. This is why some people prefer seltzer water to club soda.
Seltzer Water
Seltzer water is carbonated water that has no flavor or bubbles added. It has only carbon dioxide gas due to the process of being bottled. Some flavored seltzers have more bubbles than others, but there are some that have no bubbles at all.
The flavors of seltzer come from fruit juices and extracts. These flavors make the sparkling drink taste different than club soda or even regular carbonated water. There are also sparkling waters that are unsweetened and flavored with natural ingredients such as fruits and herbs for health benefits. Seltzer can be mixed with other drinks for added fizziness or just plain for a bubbly taste. The natural ingredients found in these seltzers may help with digestion, so many people use them as a digestive aid when feeling sick or after eating spicy foods. They can also be used to cleanse the body of toxins and excess acids from digestion when it needs cleansing. Quinine and magnesium are some of the natural ingredients found in these sparkling mineral waters.
Lacroix sparkling water is one of the most popular brands of club soda and seltzer in the world. It is the only brand that uses the natural process of carbonation. The water is believed to be naturally carbonated and does not have any artificial additives or flavors added to it.
The Mineral Content of Club Soda and Seltzer
Club soda contains a blend of added minerals and carbon dioxide which gives it a slightly salty taste. However, the mineral content is much less than that of water and still less than that of mineral water. The blend of minerals in club soda include sodium chloride, calcium chloride, potassium chloride, sodium bicarbonate, magnesium sulfate, and potassium bicarbonate. It also contains small amounts of the electrolytes magnesium oxide and calcium oxide. Seltzer water has the same blend of minerals, but in much smaller amounts.
Although the mineral content of club soda is low, it is still much higher than that of water. You will have to try a variety of sodas to find one that suits your taste buds and health needs. Mineral water contains more minerals and less carbon dioxide than club soda, but there are still many brands that claim to be mineral water. The amount of dissolved minerals varies depending on the source of the mineral and their source location.
Tonic Water, Sparkling Mineral Water, Gin and Tonic
As mentioned, club soda is produced by bubbling carbon dioxide through water. Seltzer water is created by adding carbon dioxide to a solution of sodium bicarbonate (baking soda) and water. The sodium bicarbonate gives the water a slight effervescence and makes it easier to pour without making a mess. Seltzer’s presence in sodas, which can be very salty, is also due to the sodium bicarbonate. In fact, soda fountains use soda water to keep their fountains sparkling and make them taste like real soda.
You know that both club soda and seltzer water are artificially carbonated water that is used in drinks. The terms are used interchangeably and they are both usually consumed as part of mixed drinks. They can be used to aid in the preparation of fruit and vegetable juices.
If you prefer to use seltzer water, you can purchase a flavored variety, such as lime or grapefruit. It is usually served in a chilled glass or on ice. You can also mix seltzer water with club soda or sparkling water to make a flavored beverage.
Drinks Made from Club Soda
For starters, club soda is the ingredient in a lot of sodas, soft drinks, and bottled water. The sodium and sugar-free, no added sugar version of soda can be used as a mixer in many recipes, as well as mixed with carbonated water to make homemade seltzer.
Sweeteners, preservatives, and artificial colors are often added to club soda, which may lead to adverse health effects if consumed on a regular basis. Also, club soda has high acidity levels and a lower pH than carbonated water. Therefore, it can irritate the throat and esophagus when used as a mixer.
While some people say that club soda tastes like water with a hint of lemon or lime, others feel that it’s slightly more salty. The carbonation can also cause headaches or other symptoms of indigestion if consumed on a regular basis. Some people prefer to use club soda instead of water for cooking and baking recipes.
Uses for Seltzer Water
Seltzer is commonly used in restaurants for flavorings in drinks such as iced tea or coffee. Seltzer water is also commonly used in home brewing for flavoring hot beverages such as teas and coffees. It’s best to avoid seltzer during pregnancy because of its sodium content, which can lead to complications during pregnancy such as edema of the hands and feet and edema of the ankles or feet due to excessive fluid retention.
Carbohydrates and calories are lower in seltzer water than in club soda, but seltzer contains natural carbon dioxide, which is a toxin when in large amounts. Therefore, seltzer is better used in small amounts and should not be consumed on a regular basis.
Natural vs Artificial Carbonation and the Effects of Seltzer on Your Health
Natural carbonation is a process that occurs when water containing dissolved carbon dioxide in the form of carbonic acid is bubbled through. The bubbles release the gas and become smaller as they do so. The smaller bubbles are more effective at transferring flavor to the water than large ones, so natural carbonated water is also considered to be more effective at retaining flavor.
Seltzer is just carbon dioxide (CO2) in solution with a little bit of water. While carbon dioxide (CO2) is harmless in small amounts, the effects of too much are not so pleasant. If you ingest enough, you can become intoxicated and get a headache or a stomach ache. Your body will attempt to eliminate the gas as quickly as possible by either vomiting or burping, but that only helps your stomach to expel the gas in the form of carbon dioxide (CO2).
The same goes for artificial carbonation. Artificial carbonation is not a natural process and is the result of combining the carbon dioxide (CO2) in water with an acid. When the gas is released, it becomes smaller bubbles.
Disodium phosphate is a common chemical used in making seltzer water. Disodium phosphate is an inorganic compound used as a buffering agent. The compound is often found in antacids, as well as other foods and beverages. Sodium citrate is another chemical commonly used in making seltzer water. Citrate is an organic compound that occurs naturally in foods such as fruit and vegetables.
The hydration level of seltzer water is also affected by the ingredients used. Seltzer contains approximately 25% of water, which is the same as regular club soda. However, there are some that contain additional ingredients, such as fruit juices, fruit pulp, or citrus flavors.
These additives can affect the hydration level of the seltzer water, and therefore its taste.
Regular water and seltzer are completely different in the effects they have on your body. Water is a very good way to hydrate your body, while carbonated water is made from tap water, natural spring water, or mineral water that has been aerated with carbon dioxide (CO2). It is the same water, but it’s been manipulated in a way that alters its effects on your body.