Difference between Seltzer, Club Soda, and Tonic Water

By: | Updated: Jul-25, 2024
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The most common types of carbonated water are seltzer, tonic water, and club soda. Knowing the differences between these beverages can help you decide which type of drink is best to order at a restaurant. It can also help you decide which kind of cocktail will best suit your taste. Read on to determine the differences between seltzer, tonic water, and club soda.

Summary Table

Seltzer Club Soda Tonic Water
No additives, just carbonated water Has added minerals like potassium bicarbonate, potassium sulfate, or sodium citrate Contains quinine and sweeteners
Taste is closest to water (but sometimes has a citrusy flavor) Slight salty flavor Has a bitter-sweet flavor



Seltzer is a type of carbonated water with no additives or minerals. It originated in Germany, a place where they bottle and sell naturally occurring carbonated water. Since seltzer does not have any minerals added to it, it still tastes a lot like water. However, there are certain brands that manufacture citrus-flavored seltzers.

Club soda

Club soda is a kind of unflavored carbonated water that is usually used as a mixer for cocktail drinks. It has added minerals such as potassium bicarbonate, potassium sulfate, or sodium citrate. This makes the drink taste a little on the salty side.

Tonic water

Tonic water contains carbonated water, a sweetener, and quinine. Quinine is a naturally occurring chemical compound extracted from the bark of cinchona trees. It was originally used as a prophylactic against malaria. Nowadays, quinine is used to give that bitter flavor to tonic water.

Seltzer vs Club Soda vs Tonic Water

The main differences between seltzer, tonic water, and club soda are in their additives and tastes. Seltzer does not contain any added minerals, thus having the closest “true taste” of water. Certain manufacturers, however, enhanced seltzers with citrus flavors. Seltzer is sometimes used as a substitute cocktail mixer for club soda.

Club soda is carbonated water with added minerals such as potassium bicarbonate, potassium sulfate, or sodium citrate. This gives the drink a slightly salty and mineral-y taste. Club soda and seltzer are used interchangeably and can be used as an alternative for each other when preparing cocktail drinks such as gin rickey recipes or tom collins.

Tonic water, on the other hand, is the most unique among the three carbonated drinks.

It contains quinine, which is found in the bark of cinchona trees. In the past, tonic water was primarily used as a prophylactic drink, to help prevent malaria. At present, tonic water only contains small amounts of quinine – just enough to give it that bitter kick. It also contains sweeteners to improve the taste. Tonic water is often used in mixed drinks, like gin and tonic.

What is Club Soda?

Club soda is carbonated water that has a fizz. It is sometimes referred to as sparkling water or sparkling mineral water, which is incorrect. The carbonation in club soda does not come from added sugar or flavorings. It comes from the carbon dioxide gas produced by the reaction of water with an acid or base. The most common acids used to produce club soda are citric acid and phosphoric acid.

Most people assume that club soda water is just carbonated water, but it actually contains a few other ingredients too.

Some brands of club soda include sugar, high-fructose corn syrup, citric acid, and sometimes ascorbic acid (vitamin C). Some other brands also contain some preservatives and colorings, although these additives are not required by law to be listed on the label. The citric acid in club soda helps make it tart, so you might like it better if you prefer your drinks on the sweet side. If you are sensitive to the tarter taste of citric acid in your drink, then you might prefer tonic water instead.

What is Tonic Water?

Tonic water is a soft drink similar to club soda, but it contains a small amount of the bitter tasting element quinine, also known as tonic acid. The name tonic water comes from its original use as a medicine for seasickness, although today it’s more commonly used as a mixer for cocktails and other mixed drinks. Tonic water can also be used to make an herbal tea called tonic tea, which can help you relax after work or when you’re feeling tired. You can find these herbal teas in some grocery stores and at some health food stores. Some brands of tonic water also contain citric acid or phosphoric acid as additives, although these additives are not required by law to be listed on the label if they are present at all.

Tonic water is a carbonated soft drink made with quinine, which is an ingredient used to treat malaria. Quinine is extracted from the bark of the cinchona tree, which grows in South America. The tree’s bark contains quinine, which helps prevent malaria, a disease caused by a parasite that attacks red blood cells. Malaria can be prevented by taking quinine pills or drinking tonic water. Tonic water is commonly used as a mixer for cocktails and mixed drinks at bars and restaurants.

It’s also used as an ingredient in some herbal teas that are sold in grocery stores and health food stores.

What is Seltzer?

Seltzer is another type of carbonated water that contains less carbon dioxide than club soda. Seltzer water is produced by adding sodium bicarbonate to water and then mixing it. This process produces carbon dioxide, which can be added to the bottle. The carbon dioxide in seltzer produces a fizz, which gives the drink its characteristic bubbly appearance.

Which is better club soda or tonic water?
Although club soda and tonic water are similar, they are different drinks. You might prefer one over the other because of your personal taste or preferences. If you prefer a soft drink that is sweet and tart, then you might like club soda better than tonic water. If you like a fizzy drink with a slightly bitter taste, then you might prefer tonic water over club soda. You can try both drinks and decide which one you like best by ordering them at the same time.

What is the FDA standard for club soda and tonic water?

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) requires that all carbs soft drinks, including club soda and tonic water, must be labeled with the number of calories in each 12-ounce serving. The label must also list the number of carbohydrates, sodium chloride, sugar, disodium phosphate, protein, fat, calcium, magnesium, and fiber per serving.

Are there any benefits to drinking club soda?

Many people prefer club soda because it’s fizzy and slightly tart with bubbly waters. Drinking club soda is not a good way to get your daily recommended amount of vitamins C and A, however.

Drinking these beverages is not a good way to meet your recommended daily intake of these vitamins and mineral salts because you would have to drink several servings of club soda or tonic water each day in order to get the amount of vitamin C and A that you need.

Are there any benefits to drinking tonic water?

Some people like the taste of tonic water because it’s similar to club soda but with a slightly bitter taste. Tonic water can be used as an ingredient in some herbal teas that are sold in grocery stores and health food stores. You can drink tonic water at home or while traveling as long as you do not add any other ingredients, such as fruit juice or sugar. Some people also like the soft drink because it’s refreshing, especially after a hard day at work or school.

Is club soda and tonic water bad for your kidneys?

No, club soda and tonic water are not bad for your kidneys. The amount of carbonation in club soda and tonic water is low enough that it does not cause the same kind of damage to your kidneys as other drinks. The only possible health problems associated with drinking club soda or tonic water include irritation of the mouth and throat, a mild headache, or slight changes in blood pressure.

Is club soda and tonic water safe for pregnant women?

No, pregnant women should not drink any carbonated soft drinks. Pregnant women who are sensitive to caffeine should avoid drinking carbonated soft drinks because they contain caffeine. Soft drinks with caffeine should be avoided during pregnancy because they can cause miscarriage or other problems in babies that are developing inside their mothers’ wombs. If you have any questions about whether you should drink soft drinks during pregnancy, talk to your doctor before you drink them. It is better if pregnant women drink plain water which has zero calories than other types of water.

Can you drink club soda and tonic water at the same time?

Yes, you can drink club soda and tonic water at the same time. You should be careful to avoid drinking more than one serving of either drink in a short period of time because this can lead to some side effects.

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