Difference Between God and Lord

By: | Updated: Mar-18, 2025
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In religions, God and lord are two different terms that are used to refer to the supreme deity. Both God and lord are powerful, but there are some differences between the two. For example, lord is a title given to people who have power over others, while God is considered to be a deity that is above everyone else. In addition, lord can be used as a generic term to refer to any person who has power over others, while God is a specific term that refers only to the supreme deity. So what are the other differences between god and lord?

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The article will focus on god and lord, the difference between god and lord, and how they differ in religions.

Summary Table:

God Lord
The creator of the universe and the source of all good things A master or a ruler of his kingdom
Proper noun Common noun
Genderless Usually masculine


Difference Between God and Lord

What is god?

God is a being who created the universe and controls everything in it. God has many names and is known by many religions.

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For example, in Christianity, God is called “the Father”, “the Creator”, “the Almighty”, and “Jesus Christ”.

What is lord?

Lord refers to a person who has power over other people. In Christianity, Jesus Christ is called the Lord. Jesus is called Lord because he is recognized as the Son of God, ruler, and master of God’s kingdom. In several places, the New Testament calls Jesus “Lord.” This word was translated from the Greek word ‘kurios,” which was sometimes used as a polite form of address. At other times, it was the translation of God’s name and was also applied to Jesus Christ. The meaning of the word can depend on its context.

In the Old Testament, God is also called “Lord” or “Adonai” in Hebrew.

Adonai means “master, lord” or God. While the form “Adon” can refer to a man, “Adonai” is a name only used for God. The word refers to ownership or the right of possession. Humans use the word “Adonai” to show their submission to God.

In Buddhism, a lord can be an earthly ruler or a Buddha (a person who has achieved enlightenment). A lord can also be someone who rules over himself, as in the term “lord of one’s own mind”.

What do they mean in different religions?

In Christianity, Jesus Christ was considered to be both god and lord. Jesus Christ was called god because he was believed to have created the universe and was referred to as “the Father” (in John 1:1-18). Jesus Christ was also called lord because he had power over other people; he could perform miracles and heal people (Matthew 9:6-8).

In Islam, Allah is considered to be both god and lord. Allah created the universe and all of its inhabitants (in Surah 2:117-19). Allah is also considered to be a ruler over the people who follow Him (in Surah 7:59-60).

What is the origin of god and lord?

God and lord have their origins in Latin. In Latin, the word “deus” means “god”. The word “dominus” means “lord”. In ancient Rome, the Roman emperors were considered to be gods. They were referred to as dominus (lord). This title was given to Jesus Christ by the Roman emperor in Luke 2:1-2.

God Vs. Lord:

There are many differences between God and Lord. Some of them are:

1. The role

God and Lord are not the same. God is the creator of the universe and the source of all good things. The Lord is a master or a ruler of his kingdom. He can be called a king, lord, master, or sir.

Lord can refer to a human; however, it can also refer to a deity, as it does in the Christian Bible. An example of this use is found in Philippians 2:11, where it says, “And that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.”

The scripture uses the word “kurios” for “Lord.” In this context, Jesus is more than a human ruler; he is the Lord (God) in the flesh. Jesus is the Lord (the supreme ruler) and has control of all things in God’s kingdom.

2. Gender

God is genderless, whereas Lord is essentially masculine.

3. Attributes

God is omnipotent, omniscient, and omnipresent. The Lord is not omnipotent, , unless he is a deity, as is the case with Jesus Christ.

4. Nature

God is not only supreme, but also he is the most powerful being and beyond our comprehension. The Lord is only a ruler of his kingdom.

5. Sustenance

God provides all the things we need to live. The Lord provides only food and shelter for his subjects.

6. Meaning

God is the Supreme Being and a spiritual force that cannot be fully comprehended. Lord is a title of respect given to someone in authority.

7. Relations to human

God is beyond human emotions, but the Lord has them. God is not concerned with human affairs, but lord does concern with it.

8. Words

God and Lord are both used as nouns and verbs. God is a proper noun while Lord is a common noun.

9. Symbols

God is represented by a symbol of a triangle in many religions. The Lord is usually represented by a crown, throne, scepter, and cross.

As mentioned above, the symbol of god is a triangle and it is believed that it is the trinity of gods. However, there are also many symbols for God such as a circle on top of a cross, trinity, infinity symbol, cross with circle, an eye in a triangle, or sun with rays.

There are also religions that don’t use symbols for God. For example, in Islam, it is not allowed to use symbols for God because God cannot be represented by any material thing. Instead, he is represented by letters, words, and prayers.

10. Religious texts

There are many religious texts for God. Some of them are Torah, Bible, Quran, and Bhagavad Gita.

Religious texts for the Lord are different depending on the religion. Some of them are Book of Common Prayer, Book of Commandments, the Ten Commandments, and Sermon on the Mount.

11. Powers

God is all-powerful, but the Lord has limited powers.

12. Names

God has many names. Some of them are Allah, YHWH, God, Lord, Jehovah, Elohim, Abba, Adonai, Attiyq Youm (Ancient of Days), El Elyon, El Roi, El Shaddai, Immanuel, Jehovah-Tsidkenu, Jehovah-Tsuri, Logos, and Tetragrammaton.

Lord has only one name in English and it is “Lord”. However, there are other names for Lord in different languages such as Italian (signore), French (seigneur), Spanish (señor), German (herr), and Hindi (माया).

There are also many forms of this word in different languages such as Señor or Senhor in Spanish and senhor in Portuguese.

These forms are usually used to address someone with a title of respect. The word “lord” is not used for the religious context only; it can be used to refer to a person who rules a kingdom or a territory regardless of religion or nationality, as mentioned above.

13. Images

God is not represented by any images. The Lord is represented by many images such as a king, an old man, or a father.

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