Difference Between Lycan and Werewolf

By: | Updated: Jul-25, 2024
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In mythological and fictional worlds, werewolves are usually known as human beings who turn into wolves. The transformation is said to be the result of an evil spell, but there are also some people who believe that the transformation occurs because of an illness. Werewolves and lycanthropy are considered to be the same, but they do have differences. For example, lycanthropes are humans who turn into wolves and can change at will, while werewolves are human beings who transform because of an evil spell. So what are the other differences between lycanthropes and werewolves?

The article will focus on lycanthropes and werewolves, the difference between lycanthropes and werewolves, and how they transform.

Summary Table:

Lycanthrope Werewolf
Can be genetic or the effect of a curse Is a result of a curse, not genetic
Can transform anytime Can only transform during a full moon


Difference Between Lycan and Werewolf

What Is a Lycanthrope?

To quote Wikipedia, a lycanthrope is a human who can transform into an animal. There are two main types of lycanthropes: Werewolves and Werebears. There are also subtypes of lycanthropes, such as were-rats, were-tigers, etc. A lycanthrope is not an actual animal. The transformation is not instantaneous. It takes time for the transformation to occur and during this time the human will have the mind of both the human and the animal. They will be in control of their actions at all times and they will remember what they did while transformed. The shapeshift from human to animal or vice versa takes about 5 minutes for most lycanthropes like werewolves, but some take longer or shorter depending on their age and experience with transforming. In order to turn back into a human from an animal form, one must spend another 5 minutes in that form without changing back into a human.

What Is a Werewolf?

A werewolf is a type of lycanthrope that can transform into a wolf. Werewolves are very rare, as they are one of the more difficult lycanthropes to become.

It is said that the werewolf can turn into any type of regular wolf, but most are restricted to either red wolves or gray wolves.

What is the origin of lycanthrope and werewolf?

Lycanthrope comes from the ancient Greek word “lykos” meaning wolf and the Greek word “anthropos” meaning human. Werewolf comes from the Old English word “wer” meaning man and the Old English word “wulf” meaning wolf. Werewolves are legends in English folklore. The earliest werewolf story was written by Roman author Petronius in his book Satyricon. In the story, a man named Niceros is turned into a werewolf by a sorcerer. In the book, it is said that the transformation can be reversed if the sorcerer is killed before he turns back into a human. The Wolf Man, a 1941 Hollywood movie, An American Werewolf in London (1981) and Underworld (2003) are responsible for the popularity of this mythological character with superhuman powers.

What is the theory behind lycanthropes and werewolves?

Lycanthropes and werewolves are essentially human beings with two forms: their human form and their animal form. This means that they have all of the same organs as humans, including their brain. A lycanthrope or werewolf’s brain will remain in its original state (human or animal) while in that form. However, lycanthropes and werewolves do not behave like animals because they have brains from both humans and animals; this allows them to have thoughts like humans while also having instincts like animals. Lycanthropes are known to transform when there is a full moon, but they can transform at any time of day if they are not exposed to sunlight for long periods of time. It is believed that sunlight prevents them from transforming because it “disrupts” the chemical reaction that causes them to transform. If a lycanthrope or werewolf is exposed to sunlight for too long, it will cause severe burns on their skin and will cause their transformation to fail.

Lycan Vs. Werewolf:

There are many differences between lycan and werewolf. Some of them are:

1. Their origin

Lycanthropes are not created by a lycan bite, but by being cursed. The curse can be given to someone by another lycanthrope, or it can be a birth defect passed down through the family of humanoid wolves .

Werewolves are born and bitten at the same time. They are bitten by another werewolf, which is usually their sire. In other words, when a human is bitten by a werewolf, they are changed into a wolf-like creature that retains their human form at night. In addition, a human can also become a werewolf if cursed by a witch or wizard, but they are not born with the curse.

2. Their appearance

Lycanthropes retain the same human form, but they can transform into a wolf-like creature with the same appearance as an ordinary wolf. The wolf is not bigger than a normal wolf, but it has the same strength and power.

Werewolves can transform into a wolf-like creature that is bigger than an ordinary wolf. Their appearance in this form is similar to that of a large wolf that usually walks with its hind legs and not on all fours.

3. Their abilities

Lycanthropes have enhanced physical strength and agility. They can move at great speeds, and they are very strong. The transformation can also enhance their senses. For example, a lycanthrope’s sense of smell is much better than that of a normal wolf. They also have a certain degree of healing ability. Lycanthropes are usually more muscular and more agile than humans. They are also more intelligent than werewolves because they don’t lose their sanity when in their animal form.

Werewolves have enhanced strength and agility, but they do not have the healing ability.

They are also faster than humans, but not as fast as lycanthropes. They can only change on the full moon, and they are much more feral than lycanthropes. They are also less intelligent than lycanthropes because they become more animalistic when in their wolf form.

4. Their diet

Lycanthropes can eat anything humans can eat. They are not picky eaters. They also enjoy meat, but they can live without it. Lycanthropes usually prefer to eat meat because it is more nutritious than other foods.

Similar to a vampire, usually werewolves have to drink blood from humans or animals in order to survive. They also have a strong craving for meat, and they usually do not like to eat other foods besides meat.

5. Other differences

The lycan is smarter than the werewolf, as they have more control over their actions. In addition, lycanthropy is a medial disorder that causes people to believe they’ve turned into animals (usually wolves).

The lycan and werewolf both walk on two legs, like a human; however, the lycan has a more human-like posture. The werewolf has a more animal-like posture.

Werewolves can be killed by any kind of silver weapon, such as a silver bullet, knife, and more. On the other hand, a lycan can’t be killed by silver; great strength is needed to kill them.

More fun facts about the lycan

The lycan has strong supernatural powers and the ability to fight with vampires. They also have immense lifting powers; a lycan can lift between 2-3 tons. Lycans are stronger than a werewolf.

Lycans are also able to see in the dark and long distances.

Additional interesting facts about the werewolf

Werewolves have specialized abilities, such as sensing, crawling, and tracking. They can also run at high speeds; werewolves are also known for their great endurance.

Their bite can turn a human into a werewolf.

Werewolves have the ability to heal their own wounds.

Are the lycan and werewolf real or fictional?

The truth is that werewolves and lycans are mythical creatures. There is no scientific evidence of their existence. These creatures have never been seen anywhere around the world.

These characters have often been portrayed in movies, books, and other media, which has propelled the werewolf and the lycan into modern culture.

However, lycanthropy is a real medical condition.


Lycanthropy is a medical term that refers refers to mental illness. It is a syndrome where a person believes that he or she has transformed into an animal and the “animal” has taken over the human mind.

There are two types of lycanthropy: werewolfism and werlingism. Werewolfism is a condition where a person believes that he or she has become an animal. Werlingism is a condition where a person believes that he or she has been transformed into an animal, but does not necessarily believe that he or she has become an animal. Both werewolves and werlings are regarded as monsters by the public, but both suffer from lycanthropy.

The difference between the two is that werewolves try to hunt humans while werlings do not. Werewolves can also be referred to as lycanthropes, but this term usually refers to humans who have been transformed into animals. A person suffering from lycanthropy can transform into a wolf, a cat, a bear, etc., depending on the extent of his or her delusion and may even believe that they have been transformed into another human being such as an old man or woman. There are various kinds of werewolves such as white werewolves, black werewolves, etc.

In ancient times, lycanthropy was viewed as a supernatural gift and the subject of shamanism. The mythological origins of lycanthropy can be traced back to the ancient Greeks and other European cultures.

These beliefs in ancient times were not considered to be evil or bad, but instead viewed as a gift from nature. In the past, when a person had this gift, they would use it to help them in some way. For example, when people who had this gift went hunting, they would make themselves invisible to their prey so that they could take their prey without being seen. In addition, these people would also be able to communicate with animals. They would also have the ability to change into an animal and communicate with other animals in order to help them find food or avoid danger. They would use this gift for both good and evil purposes depending on their intent and character.

Lycanthropy has been known to exist for thousands of years in many cultures all over the world. There are many ancient civilizations that have left behind myths about lycanthropes such as the ancient Greeks, Egyptians, Sumerians, Aztecs, Mayans, Slavs, Native Americans and other tribes in the North US, including tribes in the Northwest Territories, in the northern regions of Canada and Alaska. The Native Americans, in particular, believe that a spirit or a ghost has taken over the body of a person, and they are called “the were-men”.

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